Friday, May 17, 2013

How to disable homepage features in Dynamics GP through SQL Server???

Dynamics GP homepage can be customized for each user or role. GP don’t have an option to disable a particular or all features for all the users.

Follow the below steps to disable the homepage features for all the users: 
1. Open SQL Server Management Studio.
2. Take a backup of the DYNAMICS database.
3. Execute the following query in DYNAMICS database.

    (DICTID = 0) AND ((COLNUMBR <> 0) OR (SEQNUMBR <> 0) OR (Visible <> 0)) AND USERID not in ('sa', 'DYNSA')

This script will disable all the homepage features for all users except sa and DYNSA.

Execute the below query to disable a particular feature:

UPDATE DYNAMICS.dbo.SY08100 SET COLNUMBR = 0, SEQNUMBR = 0, Visible = 0 WHERE (SectionID in (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)) AND
    (DICTID = 0) AND ((COLNUMBR <> 0) OR (SEQNUMBR <> 0) OR (Visible <> 0)) AND USERID not in ('sa', 'DYNSA')

SectionID field values and the corresponding homepage feature:

à To Do list
à Quick Links
à Metrics
à My Reports
à Microsoft Office Outlook
à Connect

It is highly recommended to execute these scripts only by GP administrator. Also, during this script execution process all the users should be out of GP.

Note: If the Customize Home Page task is assigned to the User’s role then users can enable the features in Dynamics GP.

To restrict the Customize Home Page option, remove the Customize Home Page task from the corresponding user’s role by following steps

1. On the Microsoft Dynamics GP menu, click Tools, click Setup, click System, and then click Security Tasks.
2. In the Task ID area, select the <User Role> (or DEFAULTUSER).
3. In the Product area, select Microsoft Dynamics GP.
4. In the Type area, select Windows.
5. In the Series area, select System.
6. Click to clear the Customize Home Page check box to remove access to the window.
7. Click OK.

Hope this helps!!!

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