Friday, May 10, 2013

Dynamics SL – Password protection for the Approval & Inquiry screens of Project Series

Password Maintenance (PA.PWD.00)
 (Open SL -> Project-> Project Controller-> Maintenance -> Password Maintenance)

Password Maintenance provides the entry and maintenance of security passwords, which are prompted for in certain screens. Specific key values, such as company ID, Employee ID, and subaccount, trigger prompting for a password in selected inquiry and approval screens throughout the system, particularly in review and approval screens. This screen is used to associate the key value with its corresponding password.

Field descriptions for Password Maintenance Screen given below.
1.      Password Type:
PV lookup in Password Type Valid password types are CPNY for company passwords, EMP for employee passwords, and ORG for organizational (subaccount) passwords. 
2.      Key Value:
Enter the secured key value to be password protected. For example, if the password type is EMP, enter the Employee ID to password-protect in the secured screens.
3.      Password:
Passwords can contain from 6 to 22 characters. They can include both upper- and lowercase letters in addition to numerals and special characters such as punctuation. When users enter their password on a secured screen, the characters in the password do not appear.

  Security reasons, it is important that this screen be restricted from unauthorized use.
Time Review and Approval Screen (TM.TRA.00)
  Open SL -> Project-> Time & Expense for Projects-> Processes -> Time Review and Approval
  • Select the Employee id with the password setup.
  • Enter Password window pops up prompting the user to enter the password.
Project inquiry (UZ.UPI.00)
  Open SL -> Project-> Employee Utilization-> inquiries -> Project inquiry
  • Select the Employee id with the password setup.
  • Enter Password window pops up prompting the user to enter the password.

Hope this helps!!

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