Friday, May 24, 2013

Dynamics SL 2011 – Inventory Reservations against Project

In a typical manufacturing company the risks of parts get stolen for other projects are high. Hence reserving the material against the project is very essential but challenging  with the earlier versions of Dynamics SL.

Goods for Project (GP)

Purchases with GP purchase type is not fully supporting the inventory reservations against Project. Given below are the factors.

  • No inventory impact during GRN though the items are physically available in warehouse till issuing to project. Inventory should be updated on the first hand to reserve it later.
  • Project commitments created during the purchase is getting relieved during the AP Voucher itself. Supposedly, the commitment should be relieved only after issuing to project which is not the case with GP type.  

Our recommendation to the customers was to create unique site id every time the new project is created in  SL and pursue the positive adjustments to the new site after GRNs. Though we achieved the reservation of parts to the project but not to the full extent due to the below hurdles.

  1. One Site ID for one Project & Task:  Site IDs increases with the number of projects & tasks causing the Site, Item site & Location table records unmanageable at times.  

  2. The IN batch creation will be handled by the customisation only during GRN. More the customisations more the maintenance cost.

Goods for Project Inventory

Microsoft is coming up with the solution to introduce the new Purchase Type “Goods for Project Inventory” with the latest release SL 2011 FP1.

This new purchase type updates inventory as the ― Goods for Inventory type does and also creates the necessary project commitments as the ― Goods for Project type does during purchases.

Inventory will now be allocated for the designated project and task and consumed only by the designated project in Sales Order Entry (40.100.00), Shippers (40.110.00), or Issues (10.020.00).

The regular inventory can be put into stock, later allocated to a project, and then only consumed by that project in Sales Order Entry (40.100.00), Shippers (40.110.00), or Issues (10.020.00).

This Purchase type claims to be the good alternate for the Inventory Reservations with Site id.
Have a wonderful day!!

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