Friday, May 17, 2013

Drag and Drop file using Control Add-Ins in Microsoft Dynamics NAV

Control add-ins for the Microsoft Dynamics NAV are built with the Microsoft .NET Framework–based assemblies that you install on computers that are running the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Windows client.        

To include a control add-in on a Role Center, you apply the control add-in on a page that is assigned to a part of the Role Center. Control add-ins are not supported by the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Web client or Microsoft Dynamics NAV Portal Framework for Microsoft SharePoint 2010

Here we will see an example of Drag and Drop a file in the text box controls. On drag and drop the text box will provide you the path of the file with the filename and extension.

Follow the below procedure for Drag and Drop a file:
    1.       Open Visual Studio.
    2.       Select C# class library and provide the name for the solution. Here we have given name as DragDrop.
    3.       A New Class file will open.
    4.       Add the following references:
  • System.Drawing
  • System.Windows.Forms
  •  Microsoft.Dynamics.Framework.UI.Extensibilty.dll, by default, it is available in Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics NAV\60\RoleTailored Client folder.
   5.   Type the below code

using System.Drawing;

using System.Windows.Forms;

using Microsoft.Dynamics.Framework.UI.Extensibility;

using Microsoft.Dynamics.Framework.UI.Extensibility.WinForms;

using System.IO;


namespace DragDrop

    [ControlAddInExport ("DragandDrop3.5")]
    public class DraGDroP:WinFormsControlAddInBase


        TextBox txt;

        protected override Control CreateControl()


            txt = new TextBox();

            txt.MinimumSize = new Size(50, 0);

            txt.MaximumSize = new Size(500, Int32.MaxValue);

            txt.DragEnter += new DragEventHandler(txt_DragEnter);

            txt.DragDrop += new DragEventHandler(txt_DragDrop);

            txt.AllowDrop = true;

            return txt;

            throw new NotImplementedException();


        private void txt_DragEnter(Object Sender, DragEventArgs e)




                e.Effect =DragDropEffects.All;



        private void txt_DragDrop(Object sender, DragEventArgs e)




                int index = 0;

                string data;

                string[] filecollection =(string[])e.Data.GetData(DataFormats.FileDrop );

                foreach (string file in filecollection )


                    //this.txt.Text = Path.GetFileName (file);

                    this.txt.Text = Path.GetFullPath(file);




            catch (Exception ex)





  6.    Now we need to Sign the Add-In assembly
  7.       Go to Project propertiesàsigning.
  8.       Select the checkbox “Sign the assembly”. Now choose a String Name key.
  9.       Click New. Specify the name and protect your assembly with Password.
  10.   Save and Build the Solution.
  11.   Copy the assembly dll from the folder you have saved. By Default, C:\My Documents\Visual Studio\Projects\[Addin Project name]\bin\Debug.
  12.   Paste the dll in the Add-Ins folder of the Role Tailored client. By default, C:\Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics NAV\60\RoleTailored Client\Add-ins.
  13.   Now we need to create a Public Key token.
  14.   Follow the link for creating public key token.
  15.   Copy the Public key token created.
  16.    Now Open table Client add-in(2000000069) in Dynamics NAV.
  17.   Type the Control Add-in name as “DragandDrop3.5”.
 18.   Paste the copied Public Key.
  19.   Now Exit from the table.
  20.   Create a New Page in Page Designer. Like Below image.
21.   Go to the Control Add –in Property of a Field “Drag a File and Drop” and Choose the Public key token that created for this add-in.
22.   Save, Compile and Run the Page.
23.   Now drag a file from any of your folder and place in the text box.
24.   Refer the below image
Hope this helps in dragging a file and retrieving its full path by dropping the file.

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