Friday, April 26, 2013

How to add additional sorting options in lookup???

In Dynamics GP, all the lookup windows have some default sorting options. However, if the user wants to add more custom sorts then that custom sorts can be added using Advanced Lookups Setup window.

For example, Customers and Prospects lookup can be sorted by Customer Id, Customer Name along with some additional sorting options (Customer Class, Type, Salesperson ID, Sales Territory ID and Corporate Customer Number). 


To add more sorting options for Customers and Prospects window:

1. Go to Advanced Lookups Setup window (Microsoft Dynamics  GPàToolsàSetupàCompanyàAdvanced Lookups)

2.      In Advanced Lookups Setup, choose Customers from Lookup Name drop down list.

3.       Maximum of four sorting options can be added for each lookup window. Select Sort by Field drop down to choose the respective sorting options.
4.      Here, Currency ID, Balance Type, Checkbook ID and Fax have been added as Sort by Field.
5.      Click Save to save the sorting options for the corresponding lookup window.
6.      Now, Customers and Prospects lookup window will display as per the below screenshot.

7.      In Customer and Prospects lookup window, if Currency ID is selected in Additional Sorts then the lookup window will display as per the below screenshot.

Hope this helps!!!

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