Friday, August 2, 2013

How to customize Toolbars in Dynamics GP?

In Dynamics GP, one can customize tool bars based on their choice. Customizing toolbars deals about adding existing forms, reports from menus to the toolbar. This enables the navigation of certain forms by adding particular windows shortcuts to the toolbar.

Steps to customize the toolbar
Right click the Toolbar à click Customize to open the Toolbar Customization window.

Add button
Opens the Add Command window, where one can choose a command to add to the toolbar selected.
Delete button
Removes the selected command from the toolbar.
Cancel button
Closes the window without saving changes.
Move Down button
Moves the selected command down in the list of controls.
Move Up button
Moves the selected command up in the list of controls.
OK button
Saves current changes and closes the window.
Reset Toolbar button
Changes the selected toolbar to the default settings.
Modify Selection button
Displays a list of actions one can complete for the selected command in the Controls pane.

  • Reset Changes the selected command back to the default settings.
  • Name Opens the Change Name window, where one can change the name of a command.
  • Change Button Image Opens the Change Icon window, where one can change the icon associated with a command.
  • Default Style Select this option to set the appearance of the selected command on the toolbar to what it was when one can first installed Microsoft Dynamics GP.
  • Image Only Select this option to have the image of the selected command appear on the toolbar without text.
  • Text Only Select this option to have the name of the selected command appear on the toolbar without an image.
  • Image and Text Select this option to have both the image and the text for this command appear on the toolbar.
  • Insert Divider Line Choose to insert a divider line before the selected command on the toolbar. Add a divider line to divide a toolbar into smaller sections.

The user can drag the selected section of the toolbar to a new place if the lock toolbar option is not selected. Only the selected module related tools will get reflected in the GP toolbar.

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