Friday, April 12, 2013

MenuSuites in NAV

What is a MenuSuite ??
A MenuSuite is an object that contains menus which enable users to navigate and perform actions in the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Windows client.

MenuSuite display menus on the Departments page in the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Windows client. The MenuSuite that is provided in Microsoft Dynamics NAV is a generic MenuSuite that you can modify.
You can also create a new MenuSuite from the basic MenuSuite. Each menu in the basic MenuSuite represents a department such as Financial Management, Human Resources, and Manufacturing
Note: MenuSuite is available in NAV2013 only for Windows client and not for Web client and Share point client

Create or Modify a new/existing MenuSuite Object
1.       To create new MenuSuite objects click the MenuSuite button in the Object Designer window,
  • Select New to create a new MenuSuite.
  • Select Design to Edit the modify the MenuSuite that already exists
2.       Clicking New will open a dialog box that will ask you to specify which design level you want to create an object for.
  • If you have already created a MenuSuite object for all the levels you have permission to, a message appears informing you of this. Once you have made a selection, the Navigation Pane Designer opens.
  • The header section of the Navigation Plane Designer will display the MenuSuite object level that you are currently working on
3.       Clicking Design will open the Navigation Pane Designer with the chosen menu suite content displayed
  • During this you will have the option to Import/Export.
  • You also compile the MenuSuite objects (F11 or Tools → Compile). By performing this object references alone will be compiled.
4.       In Navigation Pane Designer, right-click a menu item to select a task from the shortcut menu.

5.       Right-click the navigation pane, and click Close Navigation Pane Designer when you are done.

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