Friday, June 21, 2013

How to Handle re-work process in Navision:
Consider a scenario where a product has been produced/Manufactured and transferred to another location. The manufactured product has some defects and has been returned for some rework.
Required Input
  • We need to create the Item variants for the items
Rework quantity creation process:
Steps to create the production order
  •  At the time of posting consumption Journals against the production order we have to select the Item with Variant code for the corresponding item
  •  We need to create separate line for the re-work quantity in consumption journals screen, for this line we need to enter the rework quantity with negative sign in the consumption quantity field. 
  •  Post the Consumption journals.
  •  In the output journals we need to mention the output qty as less qty.(by entering the scrap quantity (if there is any) and calculate the output quantity by selecting the option->Update Scrap Qty)
  •  Post the output journals.

Here we will explain the scenario with example.
Before finishing the production order, The Item (Test) has available quantity of 90 in Inventory
  • We have created the production order for the “Test” with 200 Quantity (refer screen shot below)

  • Now we are going to post the Consumption for this Production order, here our production order Rework Quantity is: 50
  • Post the consumption journal.
  • Post the Output Journal (ref image given below)
  • Finish the production order.
  • After posting if we go to the respective finished good, we will see the posted entries with different quantities in different lines. Like below 

Here we refer the first image of the Item on Inventory was 90 (i.e. old)
Now quantity is: 290
200 quantities were posted through consumption journal, but in inventory it will reflect with different names as mentioned in the image below (lines marked in blue).
Item without variant code quantity is: 150
With item –variant Code quantity is : 50

Making re-work production Order:
Now we are producing the Re-work production order to produce the FG. From the rework quantity only we are going produce the finished product.

  1. Go the consumption journal,
  2. Select the item which was posted with ‘ –ve’ quantity and with variant code.
  3. Enter the consumption qty as positive quantity.
  4. Post the consumption journal.

Now same way you need to post the output journals with the finished quantity.
So now the quantity with Variant code in the Main Item will be reduced, and it is consumed for the other production order.

Enable Company Selection Tab in ROI – Dynamics SL 6.5

A simple post this week explaining the way to enable multi-company option in SL 6.5!

The company selection is applicable for multi-company databases. In Dynamics SL 6.5, the company selection can be achieved only through the SL setups & Report Customizations whereas the same can be achieved in Dynamics SL 7 & 2011 without any setups & report changes.

Given below are the simple steps to enable the Company selection tab in Report ROI of Dynamics SL 6.5.

Step 1: Enable multi-company selection for the custom report.
·         On the Utility menu, click Report Control Maintenance.
·         In the Report Number Field, type the Custom report number, and then click Control Options.
·         Click to select the Multi-Company Selection Allowed check box, and then click OK.
·         Click Save, and then close the Report Control Maintenance (98.300.00) screen.

Step 2: Create links in your custom report to enable the access to company-specific data.
·         Open the SL report with multi company compatibility.
·         On the Database menu, click Database Expert.
·         In the Database Expert dialog box, locate the Available Data Sources section, and then expand Current Connections.
·         Expand the appropriate Microsoft Solomon application database, expand the second instance of this application database, and then expand Tables.
·         Click RptCompany, and then click the Add arrow to add the RptCompany table to the Selected Tables section.
·         Click the Links tab.
·         Smart Linking automatically creates links between the RptCompany table and the existing tables in the CpnyID field.
·         If the links are incorrect, click Clear Links. Then, manually create the links.
·         Click OK.

Step 3: Add the RI_ID formula to the report.
·         On the Report menu, click Select Expert.
·         In the Choose Field dialog box, click RI_ID, and then click OK.
·         In the Select Expert dialog box, click the RptCompany. RI_ID tab, and then click formula in the list that appears.
·         In the formula box, type the following:
{RptCompany.RI_ID} = tonumber (RIPARAM ("RI_ID"))
·         Click OK.
·         Click Save, and then close Crystal Reports. And then run the report through Solomon. 

Hope this post is helpful!!!

Friday, June 14, 2013

How to recreate X12 810 invoices in Dynamics SL 7.0 FP1?

There were few Customer instances where the outbound 810 files sent from Dynamics SL to the trading partner got rejected due to the missing or incorrect data. The user may need to correct the data and want to send the X12 810 files again.  While we explored and identified the way to do this in Dynamics SL 7.0 FP1, we thought of adding in our blog to help other EDI users. 

Recreate Outbound EDI Transactions (44.030.00): 

With this screen, the user can recreate the outbound files such as Invoices, Purchase orders, Shippers and Purchase Order Acknowledgements and can send to the trading partner.
This screen allows the user to specify selection criteria and selectively choose the records to be resent for each of the outbound transaction types. This process will reset the transactions selected so that the next time if the outbound process for the transaction type runs, data will be written to the outbound Common File Interface.

Following are the steps to recreate the Outbound invoice
·         Enter the Customer id in Search Criteria. If you are sure about the other filtering criteria like Invoice # and Date, enter the values in the respective fields.
·         Click  “Refresh” button  and system will load all the outbound invoices that were sent already. The 810 data to be sent newly to the trading partner won't be displayed in this screen.
·         Select the Outbound invoice using “Selected” check box.
·         Click “Begin processing” button to recreate the outbound files.
Create Outbound EDI Invoices (44.402.00)
Once the Outbound EDI Invoice selection has been completed, the user need to open the Create Outbound EDI Invoices (44.402.00) under E-Commerce Gateway module in Dynamics SL.

Click “Begin processing” button. 

This screen will send all the new EDI invoices to VAN/FTP. This screen will also identify the invoices selected in the Recreate Outbound EDI Transactions screen and resend those as the outbound 810 X12 files.

Hope this post is helpful!

Dynamics GP – Not able to change the user password

One of our customer reported that they cannot change their user’s password and got the below error message.

“The creation of login failed for an unknown reason. Contact your SQL Server administrator for assistance.”


We have analyzed and found the cause of the issue as follows,

The user (Demo User) does not have a corresponding SQL login.

However, the user is present in the GP (TWO) company database and the DYNAMICS database.

To resolve this issue, User ID needs to be re-created. Follow the below steps to recreate the issue:
1. Note down the tasks, roles, company access assigned for the particular user.
2. Go to Microsoft Dynamics GPàToolsàSetupàSystemàUser.
3. Delete the particular user.
4. Make sure that the particular user is deleted from GP (TWO) company database and DYNAMICS database in the SQL Server.
5. Now, recreate the user with the same User ID and assign the corresponding roles and tasks.

Hope this helps!!!

Revaluation Journals & Reclassification journals

Revaluation Journals
This journal can be used for changing the inventory value of items, for example after a physical inventory.
The revaluation journal lets you see the existing value of an item and assign a new value to it.

Correction of Incorrect Posted Documents
If you have posted a document, for example a purchase order, and discover that some of the information on the lines was incorrect, you can correct this posted document.
In the following, an incorrect posted purchase order is used as an example.
There are three ways of correcting a posted purchase order:
·         Creating an identical credit memo and a new purchase order in order to reverse the posting.
·         Revaluing the posted items.
·         Creating a credit memo and posting it with an item charge.
Here we have taken the second option that is revaluing the Posted items
Path of using Revaluation journals is shown below
Warehouse->Inventory->Revaluation journals

In the above screen
Document no:  you can give your own document no or through no. series also we can generate automatic no series.
Item No: Select the item number which was posted with wrong cost in the purchase order
Applies-to Entry: Select the entry for which cost posted wrongly

Then enter the actual cost need to post for that item in Unit Cost (Revalued) column.
if you post this line, it will automatically adjust that cost of that old entry.
So if you go to the respective entry you will find the difference. Like below

Go to the item card and click on Inventory field and select the entry for which we have posted the latest cost.
Then click on the Cost Amount (Actual) field it shows the cost entries posted for that entry.

In which we can see all the entries posted against that item including adjustment entries.
Reclassification Journals:

Similarly you use the Item Reclassification Journal window to adjust inventory when you transfer items between different locations or between bins. 

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Use of Shared Variables in Dynamics CRM 2011 Plugins

Introduction of Shared Variables in MS CRM2011 Plug-in might not been used by most of us, as we are not aware of its unique feature. This Shared Variables will be useful for sharing the data during complex plug-in development by sharing the data between plug-ins registered on both the pre and post events.

Any values can be stored in the plugin context of Pre-event will be available in the Post-event of the plugin. This way we can avoid storing the values in a custom attribute. Certain data validation which needs to be done at post-event can be achieved by passing the value from pre-event of the plugin. This also helps for performing business logics like updating related records asynchronously.

The below code snippet illustrates the usage of Shared Variable.  This sample explains the data validation done at post-event operation based on the value received from the pre-event operation where a flag is updated with a value at the pre-event level and sent to the post-event through shared variable.

Pre-Create (Entity Name) Plug-in
if (pluginContext.MessageName == "Create")
                            if (pluginContext.InputParameters.ContainsKey("Target") && pluginContext.InputParameters["Target"is Entity)
                                Entity targetEntity = context.InputParameters["Target"as Entity;
                                if (targetEntity != null)
                                    bool setFlag = false;

                                    //Check data validation for attributes                                  
                                    string country = targetEntity.Attributes["address1_country"];
                                    OptionSetValue industryCode = (OptionSetValue)target.Attributes["industrycode"];
                                    // Country is US and Industry Type is Accounting are Preferred 
                                    if (country.ToLower() == "us" && industryCode.Value == 1)
                                        setFlag = true;
                                    pluginContext.SharedVariables.Add("flag", setFlag);

Post-Create (Entity Name) Plug-in
if (pluginContext.MessageName == "Create")
                            if (pluginContext.InputParameters.ContainsKey("Target") && pluginContext.InputParameters["Target"is Entity)
                                Entity targetEntity = pluginContext.InputParameters["Target"as Entity;
                                if (targetEntity != null)
                                    if (pluginContext.SharedVariables.ContainsKey("flag"))
                                        bool recievedFlag = (bool) pluginContext.SharedVariables["flag"];
                                        if (recievedFlag)


This method lets you to pass data between plug-ins without having to customize the system by creating hidden fields on entities.

Note: SharedVariables (collection of key/value pairs) property is available in the IPluginExecutionContext of the execution pipeline.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Synchronize MS CRM 2011 Reports with Report Server

Many of you have wondered about missing the out of box reports after installing MS CRM 2011 and SSRS connector or while you reconstructed the environment after a crash. Probably you might have unknowingly deleted the CRM OOB reports in CRM or Report Manager.

Don’t worry about this; as these OOB reports can be brought back anytime into CRM with the provision or tool provided by MS. You can manually synchronize the reports using the Tools available PublishReports.exe in \Program Files\Microsoft CRM\Tools folder on CRM server.

Run this in the command prompt:
Syntax – PublishReports.exe  <OrganizationName>>

Once this completed you can see the OOB Reports back in MS CRM 2011.

Hope this is helpful!!