Friday, July 19, 2013

Step to enable intelligence for MS CRM Form Scripting in Visual Studio

MS CRM Developers when working with SDK are given a quick and easy way to add analytics using the intelligence while coding through VS. But comparatively when they work with Xrm scripting they find it difficult to know the syntax and usually spend more time in troubleshooting for a syntax error than other issues.

But MS provides options to enable the intelligence for MS CRM Xrm scripting in Visual Studio by installing the Xrm.Page.Library Template. Below are the step for the same:

1.               Download the latest Microsoft Dynamics CRM SDK (v5.0.14).
2.               Install the template using the exe.file. This will be  located in the following path: SDK\Templates\Xrm.PageScriptProjectTemplate\xrmpagescriptdevelopmentprojectcs_vs2010

3.               Select the option based on your Visual Studio edition and VB/CS
a.          Xrmpagescriptdevelopmentprojectcs_vs2010
b.          Xrmpagescriptdevelopmentprojectcs_vs2012
c.           Xrmpagescriptdevelopmentprojectvb_vs2010
d.          Xrmpagescriptdevelopmentprojectvb_vs2012

4.               Create your JS file with the reference of XrmPageTemplate.js.
/// <reference path="XrmPageTemplate.js" />
5.               Now the intelligence will be enabled in Visual Studio.

I hope this blog will more helpful for the CRM developers!!!!!!

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